Monday, June 15, 2009


i just finished June Block from Bunny Hill Designs love those little Blocks where there are going to is another question

going to the Dr. today i have some sort of flu for over the days already so it's time to go and get some meds for it it wont go away by itself

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

up and running

thank God my new computer is up and running after a few adjustments i really did not know i would miss it so much.oh but it is great,much faster and many new features have been added since my last one but still much to learn so i will take my time . now lets see if i can upload a picture on the new quilt i am working on this is paper pieced from a pattern from Karen Stone the name is Rattlesnake so far i like it hopefully it wont become another UFO

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

a new Computer

Wish me look today i am getting a new Computer "INSPIRON 537" by Dell ,the one i have now is a "XP 2000" was a very good one, but it's 5 years old and starting to give me trouble .
Oh i hope all will work out and i will know how to work with it .
I also hope all my software will be working and it wont be to difficult, my very dear friend Annie is coming over to do it, she is so smart but i am still worried .
i will keep you informed